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  您現在位置:美德鋼管>> 鋼管知識 >> 焊接英語專業術語
1.1 焊接方法
焊接方法與設備(Welding process& facility)
手工電弧焊(MAW:manual arc welding)
電弧焊(arc welding) 埋弧電弧焊(SAW:submerged arc welding)
氣焊(gas welding) 氬弧焊(argon arc welding)
氣體保護電弧焊 CO2保護焊(CO2 shielded arc welding)
熔化焊 (GMAW—gas metal arc welding)
fusion welding 電渣焊(ESW—electroslag welding)
激光焊(LW—laster welding)
等離子焊(PAW—plasma arc welding)
摩擦焊(FRW—friction welding)
焊接 壓力焊 超聲波焊(UW—ultrasonic welding)
welding pressure welding 冷壓焊(CPW—cold pressure welding)
鍛焊(FW—forge-welding) 對焊butt welding
電阻焊(RW—resistance welding) 縫焊seam welding
點焊spot welding
烙鐵釬焊 iron soldering
火焰釬焊 torch brazing/ torch soldering
釬焊 爐中釬焊 furnace brazing/ furnace soldering
soldering/brazing 鹽浴釬焊 saltbath dip brazing (soldering)
真空釬焊 vacuum brazing
堆焊 overlaying welding
平焊 downhand welding/flat welding
橫焊 horizontal welding
立焊 vertical welding
仰焊 overhead welding
全位置焊 all position welding/positional welding
半自動電弧焊 Semi-automatic arc welding
鎢極惰性氣體保護電弧焊 (TIG) tungsten inert-gas arc welding
熔化極惰性氣體保護電弧焊 (MIG)metal inert-gas arc welding
1.2 焊接設備
電弧焊機 arc welding machine
直流弧焊機 DC arc welding machine
交流弧焊機 AC arc welding machine
交直流兩用弧焊機 AC/DC arc welding machine
氬弧焊機 argon arc welding machine
二氧化碳弧焊機 CO2 arc welding machine
埋弧焊機 submerged arc welding machine
焊接機頭 welding head
行走機構 traveller
送絲機構 wire feeder
焊絲盤 wire reel
焊鉗 electrode holder
焊槍 welding gun
碳弧氣割 carbon arc air gouging
火焰氣刨 flame gouging
焊接夾具 welding jig/ fixture
等離子弧焊機 plasma arc welding machine
等速送絲方式 constant wire-feed system
變速送絲方式 alternate wire-feed system
點焊機 spot welding machine
縫焊機 seam welding machine
對焊機 butt resistance welding machine
凸焊機 projection welding machine
2、 焊接材料及焊接工藝(welding materials& procedure)
2.1 焊接材料
碳鋼 carbon steel
合金鋼 alloy steel
不銹鋼 stainless steel
耐熱鋼 high-temprature steel
鑄鐵 casting
銅/黃銅 copper
青銅 bronze
鋁 aluminium
鎂 magnisium
鈦 titanium
鎢 tungsten
鎳 nickel
鉻 chromium
2.2 焊接工藝
焊接技能 welding technique
焊接方法 welding process
焊接工藝welding procedure
焊接操作 welding operation
焊接順序 welding sequence
焊接方向 welding progress
焊縫寬度 weld width
焊縫厚度 weld throat
焊縫余高 weld reinforcement
焊縫長度 weld length
焊接參數 welding parameter
焊接電流 welding current
焊接速度 welding speed
焊接電壓 welding voltage
焊接變形 welding deformation
根部間隙 root opening
焊縫正面 face of weld
焊縫背面 root surface of weld
對接接頭 butt joint
角接接頭 corner joint
焊接性 weldability
T型接頭 T- joint
搭接接頭 lap joint
十字接頭 cruciform joint
熱影響區 heat-affected zone
接頭設計 joint design
熔合線 weld interface
過熱區 overheated zone
后熱 postheat
預熱 preheat
熔深 depth of fusion
焊道 weld bead
焊縫成型系數 form factor of the weld
碳當量 carbon equivalent
焊接經驗 welding experience
考試機構 examining body
焊接工藝規程 (WPS) welding procedure specification
標準焊接工藝規程 (SWPS)standard welding procedure specification
工藝評定記錄(PQR) procedure qualification record
焊接工藝預規程 (pWPS)preliminary welding procedure specification
試驗的焊接材料 tested welding materials/consumable
焊接管理人員 welding co-ordination/manage personnel
預生產焊接試驗 pre-production welding test
3、 焊接缺陷與無損檢驗(welding defects and non-destructive test)
3.1 焊接缺陷
夾渣 slag inclusion
夾鎢 tungsten inclusion
夾雜物 inclusion
白點 fish eye
氣孔 porosity
燒穿 burn-through
咬邊 undercut
焊接裂紋 welding crack
焊瘤 overlap
弧坑裂紋 crater crack
弧坑 pit/crater
熱裂紋 hot crack
冷裂紋 cold crack
延遲裂紋 delayed crack
層狀撕裂 lamellar tearing
縱向裂紋 longitudinal crack
橫向裂紋 transverse crack
焊接應變 welding strain
焊接殘余應力 welding residual stress
焊接應力 welding stress
焊接變形 welding deformation
未焊透 incomplete penetration, lack of penetration
未熔合 incomplete fusion,lack of penetration
3.2 無損檢驗
試件 test piece
試樣 test specimen
無損檢驗 non-destuctive test/examination
裂紋試驗 cracking test
外觀檢驗 visual examination
耐壓試驗 pressure test
射線探傷 radiographic inspection
面彎試驗 face bend testing
超聲波探傷 ultrasonic inspection
背彎試驗 root bend test
磁粉探傷 magnetic particle inspection
側彎試驗 side bend test
X射線探傷 X-ray radiographic inspection
橫彎試驗 horizontal bend test
破壞檢驗 destructive test
縱彎試驗 axial bend test
滲透探傷 penetration/transmission inspection
4、 焊接生產及安全(welding production&safety)
焊接工作臺 welding bench
焊接操作臺 welding manipulator
焊接變位器 welding positioner
焊工升降臺 welder’s lifting platform
質量檢查 QC=quality control
質量保證 QA=quality assurance
焊接車間 welding shop
面罩 helmet
濾光玻璃 filter plate
焊工手套 welder’s glove
電焊電纜 Welding cable
電焊發動機 Welding generator
焊接電源 Welding source
電焊工 manual arc welder
氣焊工 gas welder
焊把 weld handle
焊槍 welding pistol
焊接煙塵 welding fume
防護鞋 shielding shoes
焊工塵肺 pheumocomsis of welder
焊接檢驗員 weld inspector
焊工合格證 welder qualification certification
焊工操作資格 welder performance/operation qualification

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